Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Brings.. New Business Ventures!!

As I bring 2012 to an end.. I've been thinking of all the things that I've been through this year.. to bring me to the point I am at today.. I am so grateful for having the strong family and close friends that I have behind me! It's like I have my own little cheer squad behind me keeping me on my toes and making sure I'm always on my toes and pushing myself to that next level! So here I am at the end of a tough year.. and the beginning of a New Year full of ample opportunities!! I'm looking forward to 2013.. and all the beautiful things to come with this new business venture! Happy New Year Everyone!! Be Safe & See you in 2013!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Finalized Blog..

Today I finalized the look of my blog!! Super excited to finally have everything looking the way that I want!! Can't wait to start adding pictures of my projects.. Which I'll be starting on Monday!! STAY TUNED.. pictures of the projects will be coming soon!! Thanks for the support!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

[Welcome Note]

Welcome to my New Blog.. I am starting a new company.. Reesy's Boutique.. Info coming soon! I Can't wait to start this journey with all of you! Thank You for the support! Stay Tuned.. New posts will be coming soon filling you in about my projects along with pictures as well as where you can buy my merchandise!!