Monday, February 11, 2013

ChalkBoard Paint Wine Bottles & Glasses

Hey Everyone.. Well I've been a busy little crafting machine.. making a bunch of new items for the site! I am excited to share that things are really starting to pick up and I've been making some serious moves these past few weeks! Here's a preview of the Items I've been working on! Enjoy!! XO Ambie D.
ChalkBoard Covered Wine Bottles with Wine Labels $10.50 each [Wine Labels Not Included]

ChalkBoard Covered Wine Bottles View #2 with Wine Labels $10.50 each [Wine Labels Not Included]

ChalkBoard Base Wine Glass with Decorative Ribbon [Prices Vary upon Set Quantity]

ChalkBoard Base Wine Glass with Ribbon View #2 [Prices Vary upon Set Quantity]

ChalkBoard Base Wine Glass with Ribbon [Prices Vary upon Set Quantity]

Wine Bottle Labels with Ribbon Tie $15 [for set of 6]

Wine Bottle Labels with Ribbon $15 [for set of 6]

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Personalized Sugar Scrub Mason Jar

Hello Everyone.. Here's a sneak peak at another Brand New Product to the Boutique! This is a Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Scrub made by my Business Affiliate; Ellie Vintage
( made from some of your kitchen basics like sugar & spice & everything nice!! Use this luxurious scrub in the shower or bath to get an all over smooth feeling! And it smells delicious too!! Comes in assorted scents, information coming soon.. Personalization done by Reesy's Boutique! Information on this product and the personalization of this product (color & fonts) will be posted shortly! Enjoy!!

New Item:
Personalized Cinnamon Sugar Scrub Mason Jar

*Cinnamon Sugar Scrub by: Ellie Vintage
*Personalization by: Reesy's Boutique

RB Lid

RB Lid View #2

RB/EV Personalized Cinnamon
Sugar Scrub Mason Jar

RB/EV Personalized Cinnamon
Sugar Scrub Mason Jar

RB/EV Personalized Cinnamon
Sugar Scrub Mason Jar

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Product!!

The time has finally come.. I'm extremely excited to share with everyone.. My First Product!! More info will be coming soon on where to purchase the products featured in my posts as well as Color Choices & Font Types.. This is just the rough draft of what is to come! I can't believe that my baby is starting to turn from an idea into actual life! The future of Reesy's Boutique is about to start & I can't wait to see where the journey takes me!! Enjoy!!

[New Item] Personalized Wine Glass..
 (Info Coming Soon)

Front of Personalized Wine Glass
Front of Personalized Wine Glass
View #2

Back of Personalized Wine Glass
Back of Personalized Wine Glass
View #2 

Right Side Design
Left Side Design

Monday, January 7, 2013

Greatness Awaits..

Well we're finally in the New Year.. at the begining of the second week.. I have started getting things going for the new business.. Had a few set backs.. but that comes with the territory!! But I'm storming full speed ahead with my ideas and soon these ideas will go from my brain.. onto paper.. and then into reality.. Can't wait for things to start taking off!! Stay with me.. this journey is gonna be a long one.. but the benefits that are to come are worth all the hard work.. sweat & tears being put into it!! Greatness Awaits!!

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Brings.. New Business Ventures!!

As I bring 2012 to an end.. I've been thinking of all the things that I've been through this year.. to bring me to the point I am at today.. I am so grateful for having the strong family and close friends that I have behind me! It's like I have my own little cheer squad behind me keeping me on my toes and making sure I'm always on my toes and pushing myself to that next level! So here I am at the end of a tough year.. and the beginning of a New Year full of ample opportunities!! I'm looking forward to 2013.. and all the beautiful things to come with this new business venture! Happy New Year Everyone!! Be Safe & See you in 2013!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Finalized Blog..

Today I finalized the look of my blog!! Super excited to finally have everything looking the way that I want!! Can't wait to start adding pictures of my projects.. Which I'll be starting on Monday!! STAY TUNED.. pictures of the projects will be coming soon!! Thanks for the support!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

[Welcome Note]

Welcome to my New Blog.. I am starting a new company.. Reesy's Boutique.. Info coming soon! I Can't wait to start this journey with all of you! Thank You for the support! Stay Tuned.. New posts will be coming soon filling you in about my projects along with pictures as well as where you can buy my merchandise!!